Monday, June 8, 2009

Can I just say...

I am ready for this stress to be over. Let's just get on with it. Rob, let's go get married.


emily said...

I COMPLETELY hear you my think wedding planning would be fun. BLAH. After its all said and done you think..."why didnt we just get married and go on our happy little way instead of all this?" I so dont miss it. Its coming soon!! My parents will be there...representing us. Good luck. You will be beautiful.

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

It will come all to soon,and be over before you know it, and life will not slow down. . . but it will all be so wonderful! LOVE YOU!

Caytlin said...

I'm telling you...being engaged is the worst part of the whole process. So much stress, and you just want the final result. Hooray for one more week!!

Aggieland Mom said...

Nicole! Remember me? Your EFY counselor and BYUI bud? I found you while blog stalking someone else... crazy! CONGRATS! I hope you are off on your honeymoon having a ball! I was engaged during that EFY of 2004, remember? Engagement is miserable, I know how you feel! Love ya!

Nicole (Peppin) Courtright

Arienne said...

It's a bit of a hassle, and it's hard to wait even that short period of time, but you'll be grateful you made a big deal out of it later down the road. Take it from someone who regrets not doing that... Congrats! Hope you're having a fabulous time!

Aggieland Mom said...

So, are you friends with Sarise and Boyd Black? They are moving in right next door to us here in Iowa City. Small World, eh?

by the way, would love to see some wedding pics!