Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I just wanna cry... bad day. I wish I could stop feeling so sick.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Red faced and pregnant

So there are a couple perks to being pregnant, the biggest one is that you pretty much always have a scapegoat and something to blame when you do anything out of ordinary or stupid. You take a second helping of food, no one thinks twice. Even helping your self to a second donut is encouraged. You fall asleep in a public setting, and you don't have to admit you were just bored, people just assume it's the regular pregnancy exhaustion. You forget someone's name or an important fact, you can pass it off saying, darn pregnancy, I forget the simplist things lately! Pass gas around anyone but your husband and it's laughed off when you say it was the baby, not you.

However, it doesn't always work. Such was the case today. I'm wearing my black floaty skirt, a skirt that you have to be careful with when you use the restroom and should always check that everything is tucked/untucked just right. I wasn't careful, and when I left the restroom I had no idea that the back of my skirt was nicely tucked into the back of my tights and giving the whole world a wonderful glimpse of my butt. I walked down the hallway to head back to my desk, and heard a pssst! Nicole! come from behind me. I turned around, and there was our office accountant with a big smirk on his face encouraging me to fix my skirt. AWKWARD! Red-faced, I thanked him and fixed the embarassing situation.

Don't worry, he's gay.

At least I thought it was nothing to worry about because of that fact, but I failed to remember that gay guys love to gossip as much as the rest of us. So not even five minutes later when I was over in one of the art directors cubicles explaining a project, I overheard him laughing in the cubicle next door about the experience to a fellow co worker. Oh so embarrassing.

One thing is for sure, it'll be a while before I wear this skirt again. In the meantime, thought I'd give the rest of you a chance to laugh at me along with the office gossipers.