Monday, April 4, 2011


So I promise that I will soon post pictures, I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted. In my defense, I am working full time and don't get home usually until after 6 pm. That leaves me with maybe about 1 1/2 hours with my baby each day, so sorry, this just isn't a priority. We are doing great! Ryan is now 9 months old and is crawling all over and is as cute as ever. We're so happy to have such a wonderful son. He basically refuses to eat baby food (of course, he started doing that the day that I bought like 25 jars) and only wants grown up food. Unfortunately, that's limited to noodles, crackers, cheese, and pieces of the occasional mandarin orange slice. We're working on expanding his appetite, which is hard with no teeth (I know, right? 9 months old, any day now, bud!) so our selection is pretty limited. Tator tot casserole (gross!) went over pretty well with him the other night. Guess I'll have to start liking that. We've been waiting and waiting to hear whether or not Rob got accepted to the nursing program. We were told that we'd probably hear 6-8 weeks after his application deadline (which was Feb 1st), but the eight week mark came and went and no word. We've heard that people that didn't get in find out first, so no news yet is good news. I'm certainly hoping. The nursing department chair told Rob that he should have no problem getting in, so I told him he'd better hold her to that. We're so excited for him to start the program, one step closer to him reaching his goal and me not having to leave my baby boy each day (which is so hard). I'm working towards running a 5k at the end of this month. I'm up to interval running at just over 2 miles, so hoping to reach my goal. It feels good to say "I'm a runner." I've enjoyed pushing myself and am starting to see results. I try to get away from my desk at lunch time to go work out at the Y that's in downtown Minneapolis (about a 5 minute walk through the skyway), but it doesn't always happen. Next time I get a chance, pictures will be posted! Hopefully soon, Ryan has gotten so dang cute. He likes to look at you and move his head from side to side almost like he's dancing, but I think it's him just being happy. And he pulls himself up everywhere he goes and is actually getting pretty close to being able to stand without holding onto something. He is a busy boy.