Our little boy arrived! Ryan William was born on Friday, July 2nd at 5:57 pm, weighing 6 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long. He is absolutely wonderful!
Everyone has been asking how the delivery went, so here is a run down on the day. It all started at 8 am on Friday when I first started noticing signs of contractions and cramping. Rob was already at work, but was only working a half day so he would be home withing a few hours. I called my mom and she came and got me so I wouldn't be alone in case it turned into full labor. By 11 am Rob was home and the contractions were coming steadily, between 6 and 10 minutes apart. They really hurt! :) Here is a picture of us relaxing and timing out the contractions:
By 2 pm, they were coming strong and steady on average of five minutes apart, some even closer. We went to the hospital (Rob may have sped a little out of excitement and concern for his life as I was grabbing his hand pretty hard during the drive.) They got us checked and settled, and found I was already dialated to a six! I immediately asked for an epidural, which came just in time.
Sunday we were released from the hospital, but before we left we took the chance to read from the Book of Mormon for a few minutes. We read in 3 Nephi where Christ was about to leave the Nephites. The chapter is filled with evidence of the love both our Savior and our Father in Heaven have for us. I love the part when He gathers the children around him and blesses them, and then Angels come down and administer to the children. Rob and I both felt the Spirit very strongly, and gained a stronger sense of the responsibility we've been given and the trust Heavenly Father has placed in us.
I have no doubt Angels are administering to my little boy. There is nothing quite like holding a newborn baby, so precious and innocent. We truly were placed on this earth for a reason.
We love our little boy! Despite the sleepless nights, the crying and constant feeding, I couldn't be happier and more grateful.