Monday, October 13, 2008

Bring on skiing season... I'm staying here!

So... I made my decision to stay here in SLC. I actually was planning on taking the job in New York, I was looking at plane tickets, getting moving quotes, and processing in my head all the things I'd have to do before Nov 1st. So, I went in and talked to my boss and told him that I was in final negotiations for a job in NY with my old employer, and he was in shock. He really didn't want me to leave, and we spent about a half hour talking about what my future holds with the company. It was a great talk, and I felt great to hear that he really values me and has been impressed with my work so far.

I really honestly love my job here, and I didn't like many things about working for Coltrin. So, after debating longer and weighing in the raise that my boss offered me to stay, I decided to turn the job down and stay here. And I feel so good about the decision.

If I were to go to New York, one of two things would happen. I would get wrapped up in the NY lifestyle, and completely forget who I am, or I would remain the same old Nicole and be completely miserable out there. I love the company I'm with, and I have a lot of potential and a lot to learn, and I'm looking forward to it all.

1 comment:

Seth, Kate, Nate, Lexi, and Anya said...

Little Nathan wanted me to let you know that he is glad you are staying close by! We love you!!!