Saturday, April 4, 2009

Engaged, FINALLY!!! WoooHOOO!!!!

I'm Engaged! This has been a long time coming, and I'm so happy to be able to finally say that Rob proposed and we are officially getting marred June 26th in the Salt Lake Temple!! I'm so happy.

A lot of people have been asking how he proposed, so I'll tell the story. We went to dinner at Chili's, which is where we went on our first date. We both loved that date, it was the most memorable first date either of us have ever had. After dinner, we drove to this place where we had once taken a walk when we first started dating. It's so beautiful, especially at night. It's down in Draper area, and it is a path along a beautiful river with a bridge and there are lights and it is just gorgeous. I had just told him earlier that week that when we had taken that walk months ago, it was when I realized how much I really cared for him and I realized what a great relationship we could form.

Anyway, we were walking along, and it was crazy because it was SO cold! We walked across the bridge and down the path a little further, but then he was like, ok it's cold, let's walk back. As we walked to where the bridge was again, these two girls came up the walkway and stood on the bridge for like 5 minutes taking pictures. He stopped me and suggested we sit for a while (he was waiting for them to leave). We sat down, and I was like, this is weird, it's freezing and we can't even see the river or any of the scenery. He was barely talking to me, he just kept looking at the girls. Finally they finished with their picture taking and walked past us. He helped me up then we walked to the bridge and he stopped me, got on one knee, pulled out the ring box, opened it, and said, Nicole Anne Lash, will you marry me? And with little tears in my eyes and joyful laugh I said yes. He put the ring on my finger, kissed me and gave me a hug, and then was like, wait, I didn't hear you, did you say yes? It was cute, I was giggling and laughing out of pure excitement he didn't even hear my answer. I assured him that the answer was yes!

When we got to his car again, he pulled a dozen red roses out for me. We then went to his parents house, showed off the ring and shared the good news with all our friends.

JUNE 26th!!!! This is going to be such a wonderful day, and I hope to share it with as many of you as I can. I love him, and I can't wait to be Mrs. Nicole Garside!!!!


JErb said...

congrats! we're excited for you =)

Michelle said...

CONGRATS!!! Good for you for blogging your story. I love it!

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

I am SO happy for you! You deserve to be happy and I am glad that you are!
I am also so happy that you put your blog on facebook and I just happened to see it! You better post alot! Cause I will be watching!

The Jensen's said...

How cute!! Congrats! That's funny he didn't hear you say yes cuz the same thing happened when my husband proposed to me!! You two are a cute couple :)

emily said...

YYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! I love that feeling! The best feeling in the world. Being in love...knowing you have met your match and want to be by their side for ever and ever. I can't wait to meet him. Being married is the best. Really. I LOOOOOVEE IT! I hope to see you soon. Hopefully at your wedding... of not hopefully not too long after that. Love ya!

RBell said...

Yeah!! You're getting married in SLC!! I was very worried that it would be much further away!!! I'm adding your blog address to my blog so that I can stay updated on all your anticipation! ;) love ya!

Sam said...

Cute! I can hear your laugh in my head. I'm so excited for you!