Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Then we danced

A couple weekends ago, Rob and I had one of those exhausting Fridays. We had planned on going to the Red Carpet Date Night up at the University of Utah, and we almost didn't go because of how exhausted we both were. But I was set on going on a date and getting all dressed up. So at 9:30 at night, after working on Rob's car, we got all dressed up, put our dancing shoes on, and went to the dance.

It was SO much fun. We were both glad we went. We met dancing at Studio 600, and it was a fun reminder of that night that we had met. I felt so pretty, and he looked so handsome. I can't wait for our wedding when we get to dance again!


bwinn said...

Congrats on your engagement. I found your blog through Google search...

I know you don't know me, but if you are looking for a great wedding photographer check out Courtney Brooke. Her website is I am her brother.

Good luck guys!

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

How fun! You look great! So glad your having so much fun!

Sam said...

You love birds are cute. I love the red dress Nikki. You're hot!