Sunday, June 15, 2008

Camping at Bear Lake

This weekend I went camping at Bear Lake with a great group of friends, it was a blast. I have to say, though, my generation is SO technologically addicted. When we arrived at our campsite, Grant was already there and had a fire going. He also had his ipod all set up on that dock thing (whatever its called, I don't have an ipod...) and music was playing. Then Cara got out her laptop, found a wireless signal, and checked her facebook and email. Mulitple people got on their cell phones and were talking to friends, etc. I just sat back and watched with a smile on my face.

It was a great trip, we camped one night and spent Saturday at the beach. Friday night got pretty cold, down into the 30's and I barely slept because I was freezing all night long. All the girls were in a tent, but we all were still freezing. The guys decided to sleep out under the stars, and they claimed they were as warm as ever. We did get some sun on Saturday, I am quite burnt. After spending the weekend in the sun and camping, it certainly makes you grateful for things, like a bed, shower, clean clothes, and aloe vera. :)

I am so grateful to have such good friends with good standards. I love being around people that encourage me to be my very best. My friends are one of my greatest blessings at this point in my life.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I am glad that I came across your blog! It is good to see what you are upto!