Thursday, June 5, 2008

Let's try this again...

So I created this blog a long time ago, wrote once, and I haven't written since. I've decided to try it again.

I got a new job, and I love it. Its so great to have a job that you love, to be excited to wake up in the morning. It has been such a huge blessing. Its been a challenge to understand and fit in to the dynamics of the office. But I love it.

I've been taking a break from the dating world, too much disappointment and a long series of bad dates put me on the bench. I am awed at the fact that people actually find each other in this world. They make commitments and are happy. I would start to think its actually all a fairytale if all of my friends weren't getting married. I swear, I get a wedding announcement about once a week. I promise I'm not bitter, just confused.

Anyway, that's my boring blog post for now. I'll try to have some fun story for next time. Until then, chao.


Kyr said...

Hey! Its good to hear that you are loving your job that is always nice.
Don't worry your time will come when you meet that man that you can't live without.
Love Kyrie

florira said...

Hey! it's great that you love your life and your work that's the best job you can have... no matter what it is as long as you love it!!!
And about the dating thing... even I'm dating right now... hehe, I know, big surprise! but I still thing the same about relationships... no planning on find the love of my life so I wont be disappointed hehe and the truth is I'm really happy!! and I'm glad you are too.
